Conroy Family | North Louisiana Family Photographer

When your family comes for a visit all the way from Florida, it’s a given that getting portraits together is going to happen! There is nothing like everyone being together! I love that even though they physically have to go back home, you can cherish those moments you had together and freeze time for just a moment with gorgeous portraits!

We met out in the country in a little town called Shongaloo, Louisiana. This is where I grew up- comeplete middle of nowhere. It’s where I am truly most comfortable. I would rather drive 30 plus minutes to get to a store than live within walking distance. Call me crazy, but that just feels like home. So any chance I get, we are doing portraits out in the wide open country! Of course, I know that is not everyone’s cup of tea, so I do not force that on anyone.

Starting to ramble here, aren’t I? Oops! OK, about these beautiful portraits! These kids were so fun and full of energy, each one loving their time in front of the camera! They told me they had never been in photographed before, but let me tell you, I coulnd’t tell! They were absolute pros!! Everything went so smoothly and easily that we shot right up until the sun was sinking behind the tree line. That’s what I call a good session.

Alright, are you tired of me chatting yet? Ready to see this sweet family session? I thought so..

Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography
Minden Louisiana Family Photography

Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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