Elaine and Emma’s Birthday Photos | Minden Louisiana Milestone Photographer

As a photographer in North Louisiana, something I love to photograph is little kids birthday sessions! It’s so fun to connect with these little ones and document them turning another year older. It goes by way too quickly!! It seems like yesterday I was just taking Emma home from the hospital and here we are celebrating her 3rd birthday! Elaine doesn’t seem like she should be 6 years old, either! Time, slow down!!

My girls are both in love with horses and cowgirl things. We went to our first rodeo in Minden, LA a few weeks ago and they LOVED it!!! Their favorite part was the barrel racing.

Becuse of their love for all things cowgirl, I watned to incorporte it in their birthday photos. This is something I love doing because it helps you remember all their fun stages through the years.

For Christmas this past year, David and I built the girls a playhouse. This is something I always wanted as a kid so when the opportunity arose, it was a dream come true.. for me. haha!! I knew I wanted to photograph my girls birthday photos in their playhouse because it was so special, to them and me. They turned out so cute I can’t even stand it. Of course, I am probably biased. But who even cares! hehe

Elaine is such a sweet girl with sass and all the diva qualities. She is a girly girl through and through and i just love it. She’s such a sweetheart. She’s so smart and loves school! She’s the best little friend a mom can have and doesn’t meet a stranger. She loves to talk and sing alllll day! Her and Emma are the best of friends (most days). Elaine tells me all the time how thankful she is that God gave us Emma so she could have a little sister.

Emma is a little fireball. Full of life and spunk. She is as shy as they come around poeple outside of our family, but when she’s comfortable her true colors shine. She is the biggest clown I’ve ever seen! She loves to make people laugh. She is as mischeveous as they come but you can’t help love her for it. She loves gum, even if she swallows it every single time. She adores my little sister’s horse Ginger with all her heart. Her favorite song is Jireh by Maverick City Music. No on in the house is allowed to sing it but her. She literally woke up singing it this morning. She knows more songs than any kid I know and sings them perfectly. Even before she could talk, she was singing songs.

We love both our girls so much!!

Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer

Cute little stink head

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Minden Louisiana Photographer
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My pretty big girl

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She has the most infectious giggle

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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer

Cutie cowgirls

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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer

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Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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