Melissa’s Baby Shower | Minden Louisiana Photographer

My sweet sister in law Melissa is having a precious baby girl in a few months. We are so exctied and we were so honored to give her a baby shower. My sister, Jessica, along with the help of others made it so lovely. Everyone pitched in and it was one of the best showers I’ve seen. So many wonderful gifts given. So much love shown. It was such a special day.

They had the most brilliant idea to have a table set up for you to put your name and address on an envelope so that when they mail the thank you cards, all they have to do is find your name on the envelope and they are ready to go. Maybe this is something that is not new, but ol’ me who hides under a rock, thought this was truly genius! HA! Is this something you have heard of before? Tell me I’m not alone!!

Our church in Minden Louisiana has a fellowship hall that is just stunning for parties and showers. The chandeliers give such an elegant vibe to any setting. We are so thankful we have this space available for us to use! Thanks be to God who provided so much for us. If you do not know our church’s story, it’s a good one. Rather lengthy so I will not share today, but it is truly a miracle from God.

As is this precious life that we were celebrating on this special day. Little baby girl is so loved already and we are beyond thrilled to meet her!

Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower

The lovely ladies who played a huge part in the success of this shower

Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower

These were so lovely

Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower

The ladies behind the cake, cupcakes and cookies. Awesome job, ladies!!

Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower

Oh, hi! It’s me

Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower

The mommy to be with her mom

Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower

Some wonderful ladies here!

Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower
Minden Louisiana Baby shower

Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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