Adrianna’s Wedding Shower | Minden Louisiana Photographer

Oh Adrianna. So many memories I have with her. She has been a part of my life since we were littlle. Sleep over, dress up parties, vacationing together, the list goes on. She’s sweet and spunky. She’s full of life. You can’t help but smile when you are around her. She lights up a room when she walks in and you can never not be happy when she’s around. If you can’t tell, she is so loved by so many!

Earlier in the year she started dating Ben, all the way from Florida. We’ve all known him and his family for years and years and never thought to make this connection, but God knew and here we are today. This is such a special time and we are so beyond happy for them.

Everything came together so beautifully for Adrainna’s special day. Each one worked so hard to pull of such an amazing and lovely shower. What made it all the more special was that it was at her Muvvy and Papa’s house in Homer, Louisiana. If you have followed along with everything in our life, you know that we recenlty lost our pastor’s wife. This was Adrianna’s Muvvy. She was such a beacon of light and loved hosting. To have this shower there was such a special thing. It couldn’t have been at a better location.

Adrianna and Ben will be living in FLorida after the wedding. She will be so greatly missed by all, but we are happy for each one there that will get to enjoy what we have enjoyed for all these years. You better come back home often, ok? Ok.

Alright, I’ll have to stop chatting for now. I know you’re here for these lovely images of this gorgeous shower celebrating such a special girl that we all love so very much. So here they are…

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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer

Taking it all in

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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer

Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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