Conroy Girls | North Louisiana Photographer

Meet the Conroy girls..

These girls have my heart. They are the cutest and sweetest, and even sassiest, things you’ll ever meet. They love my girls with all their hearts and it’s always the best day ever when we get together.

I can’t believe how quickly they have grown!! Elaine and Moriah are only 9 month apart and Addie and Emma are only 6 months apart. This makes it so much fun!! They are cousins and I’m so glad they have little buddies so close in age.

These girls aren’t camera shy in the least!! Sarah Kate, for sure, LOVES the spotlight. She was full of poses. It was so fun!!

Moriah is a little more on the shy side, but she knew how to work that camera. She’s too cute!! And such a sweetheart.

Addie is full of personality and she will let you know when you’re doing somethgin she doesn’t like. She’s as sassy as they come but she can be so sweet too. Her and Emma fight like no one’s business but they still love each other.

I’m so glad we were able to get a few portraits of each of them and also highlight sweet Moriah for her birthday. She will be S E V E N in Decmber!!! Who allowed that to be???

We love these girls so much!!

North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer
North Louisiana Photographer

Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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