Tushner Baby Shower | Minden Louisiana Photographer

This post is a very special one- one celebrating a miracle that has been prayed for time and time again. This sweet couple attends that same church that we do and are our friends. They have been waiting on a bay for years and the time has finally come! Many prayers around the world moved God on the scene and He showed up. Isn’t it amazing how He does that?! He never fails us, no matter how long the wait is, He never fails. We are so thankful to be witnessing this miracle before our eyes.

Andrew and Candace are no stranger here at CDP. They are featured in my portfolio and on my social media accounts. They are so easy to photograph and I just love the images i have taken of them. However, I have the feeling that these ones coming up over the next few weeks will be my favorite.

Every baby shower is a very specail occasion that is celebrating the miracle of life- whether there has been a struggle to produce this life or not. Every baby is special. However, when there is a struggle to prodcue this little life, once that time arrives it’s something that you can’t help but shed some happy tears about. Tears in awe at how amazing God is that His power is very much alive. Tears of joy that your prayers are being answered, that people you admire are being blessed with the joy that children bring into your life. Tears of renewed faith for those you are still praying and believing for that if God can do it once, He can do it again and again and again. I feel as though the list could just continue to go on and on.

Everyone that played a part in pulling off this beautiful baby shower did just a fantastic job. From the food to the decor. It was all just wonderful! The cake, cupcakes and cookies were made by my sister in law. She has just recently started making cakes and cokies and, wow! She has such an incredible talent! I have been blown away! Should she start a business? I think yes! Can you just picture all the gorgeous cakes she could make? I can!

Another amazing element that you will see are these beautiful smocked dresses. Andrew’s mom MADE them! WHAT?!? Yes, it’s true. And not only that, one of the gifts is frim Amndrew’s sister, these are hand knitted items- that SHE knitted. Ok, why can’t some of this talent in this family be shared? Am I right?

It was an honor to capture these precious memories that will be cherished for a lifetime. Each time I do things like this I am always honored to know that the images that I take will be looked back on year after year and cherished. I know that photos are something that the true value can’t be expressed. It’s just something you have to experience for yourself.

I hope y’all enjoy these images as much as I enjoyed taking them and editing them.

Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
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Minden Louisiana Photographer
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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
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Minden Louisiana Photographer
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Minden Louisiana Photographer
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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
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Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer

Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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