Hey mama, you’re doing a good job | Ruston Louisiana family photographer

If there was only one thing I could tell a mama I would want to make sure it was something that would be beneficial and encouraging to her. There’s a million and one people giving her advice, pointing out what she’s maybe not doing right, and saying things that tear down. She doesn’t need to hear anymore of those things.

Motherhood is beautiful and trying. The sleepless nights. The tears from both you and baby because you can’t figure out what’s wrong. The ache in your heart as you watch your baby grow and do things that don’t need your help anymore. There’s so much joy and so much overwhelm.

If there were only one thing I could say, it would be “you’re doing a good job.” It doesn’t matter if your baby has colic and is crying all hours of the night. It doesn’t matter if they are a dream and sleep all night. Maybe they don’t nap unless you hold them. Maybe they are content to be put down. Maybe they’re not. Maybe they are breastfed. Maybe they are formula fed. Maybe they are fed through a feeding tube. None of these determine whether you are doing a good or bad job. None of these define you as a mom.

You are doing a good job, mama. Your baby is loved. You’re doing your very best. You’re doing a good job.

One day that baby will grow up and look back on their childhood and say, “wow, my mom was the best mom in the world and I only hope I can raise my kids the way she raised me.” And when you see them with their own family, raiding their own babies, you’ll stand proud knowing that you did a good job.

So don’t let the current circumstances or what others say try to define you as a mother. You are doing you’re very best and yes, you are doing a good job.

Ruston Louisiana photographer

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Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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