Emma’s Birthday Portraits + Elaine | Minden Louisiana Photographer

My sweet Emma turned 4 at the beginning of October. A few weeks before her birthday we took some time to document her being 4. Birthday portraits is something that I always make sure I take the time to get. Seeing my girls grow and change each year is sad, but I’m always so glad I took the photos. I love seeing how their personality blossoms and changes from year to year.

Emma is such a goofy girl at home and around people she is very comfortable with. In public she is very shy. One day she will break out of her shell in public and we will wish she was shy again. Haha!! She is so much fun and keeps us laughing. Sometimes she will say or do something and we will think “where on earth did you get that from?!” Her favorite store is Walmart and has been since she could talk. No idea why. But she loves it. HA!! McDonald’s is her favorite place to eat. Typical kid, right?

Emma loves our dogs Luna and Sandy. She gives them hugs all the time and sometimes she will just go outside by herself and play with them. They love her too. I’m sure it helps that she sneaks them treats. Stinker head.

Emma is pure joy and we love her so very much!

Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer
Minden Louisiana Photographer

Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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