Three pieces of advice for a new mama | Ruston Louisiana Newborn Photographer

Being a new mama is hard, I know! There is so much that changes- your body, your sleep, your eating; literally everything changes. I don’t ever pretend to think that I have it all together or that I know more than anyone else; trust me when I say, I don’t.

Hey, sweet friend! I’m a mama and a newborn photographer in the Ruston Louisiana area. I specialize in in-home newborn photography with a lifestyle approach. This type of photography absolutely fills my cup and brings me so much joy. I have had the amazing privilege to work with some amazing mamas in the surrounding north Louisiana areas and if there was any piece of advice I could give them, this is what I would say:

Ruston Louisiana newborn photographer

The first thing I could ever tell a new mama is to give yourself grace, upon grace. I heard this before and it stuck with me- you have never been this mama before. You may have been a mom of one or two, but you have never been a mom of three. This is all new.
This applies to even if this is your first baby. No matter how many times you bring a new baby into the world, it’s always going to be a new experience. Give yourself grace.

Ruston Louisiana newborn photographer

The second thing I would say is to see a pelvic floor PT. You will thank me later if you follow this advice. Bringing babies into the world bring a lot of trauma to your body. Working with someone specialized in the areas of diastases recti and pelvic floor will help with all things recovery! Learning to use your core again after having a baby is SO empowering!

Ruston Louisiana newborn photographer

The last thing I would say, or recommend, would be to enjoy every minute. Now, I know, I know, every minute isn’t enjoyable. Trust me, I know. I have been there. There are a lot of moments that you are just wishing you could get some sleep, wishing the crying or fussing or whining would stop. But also trust me when I say, it goes by so fast!! Like, unfairly fast. When you are in the think of the newborn and baby raising, it feels like you will be in this stage forever. But before you know it, they are off to school and not needing their mama anymore. I think we can all do better at enjoying the moments a little bit better. The baby sleeping on your chest, the snuggles and cuddles, how you can fix everything with a little kiss. The innocence of babies.

Ruston Louisiana newborn photographer

If I could leave you with some final words, I would say that you’re doing an amazing job. And I really, really mean that!

Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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