Our Family Portraits | Family Photographer in Minden Louisiana

Here’s a look at our family photos for 2023. Last year we had the amazing opportunity to work with a local photographer and do a family photo swap. This year, I just let time get away from me and I never set anything up. That meant I was doing the photos myself. How does that work you ask? Stick around and I will explain.

I knew I wanted to do our family photos on our 10 acres of land just outside of Minden, Louisiana. I grew up in the country and we got married we moved to an even more secluded area than what I grew up in. However, it is not that far from the larger town (that is still small).

Behind our house is a patch of woods just beside our pond, that is currently very low due to the exceptionally dry year we have had. I noticed the beauty in this patch of woods a few years ago and did my sis-in-law’s and brother-in-law’s family photos there. I just loved how they looked and it is still one of my favorite sessions. I knew I wanted to do ours there.

I didn’t know would be able to get our photos in with my schedule and my husband’s work schedule. Most of my weekends were all booked up with other family’s photos. Then I got sick. I had to reschedule sessions. Oh no! Turns out, I felt better the next day and I now had an opening for our family session! Funny how that works, right?

So, to bring this book to an end and tell you about the part you have been waiting for.. How did *I* take my own family’s photos? A fancy thing called a tripod and the feature on my camera that allows me to push the shutter and it wait 10 seconds to actually take the photo.

I posed my family in the way I wanted them, left a little spot for myself, framed the photo how I wanted it, pushed the shutter and ran. Literally. I ran. No joke. It was comical, I am sure. What makes it funnier is that the cute poses where we are looking at each other.. I literally ran a second ago and then we were all cute and cuddly. haha!! Oh man…

Now that I have written a book called “Our Family Photos” you can enjoy the beautiful photos that I look at 100 times a day and will be soon printing them to hang all over my house. Thank you and good day.

Minden Louisiana Family Photographer, Family photos in the woods, Family of four
Family photographer in Minden Louisiana, Family session in the woods, mom and her girls
Family photography in Minden Louisiana, Rustic family photography session
Family photos with dog
photo of mom and dad at family session
Family photography session in Minden Louisiana
Minden Louisiana family photographer
Family photography in Minden Louisiana
family photography in Minden Louisiana
family Photographer in minden Louisiana
family Photographer in minden Louisiana
Family photographer in Minden Louisiana
Minden Louisiana Family photographer
Minden Louisiana Family Photographer
Minden Louisiana Family photographer
Family photographer in Minden Louisiana
Minden Louisiana Family photography
Family photography in Minden Louisiana

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Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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