Allison turns 14 | North Louisiana Photographer

My little sister turned 14 and I have no idea how!! Seems like just yesterday we were all waiting anxiously to get to see her after she was born. Wasn’t she just toddling around, learning how to walk?? Time goes by so quickly! I know it can be hard to feel that when you are in the trenches of parenthood, raising those little ones. But truly, before you know it, they are teens. From what I hear, that is a new can of worms. Haha!!

Every year I try to take my little sister out for photos to celebrate another year. She loves her animals so we usually incorporate them as well. Thankfully, my parents live on a beautiful piece of land in North Louisiana that we always do her photos at. This is the same piece of land that I grew up on and it just love it.

Earlier in the year, my sister was kicked in the face by one of their horses. She made a miraculous recovery and didn’t even have a broken bone! We were so thankful!! To me, for her get right back out there with her horses is so brave. I think I would be terrified. But she goes out with grace and loves them all the same.

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Photographer in north louisiana
Photographer in north louisiana
Photographer in north louisiana
Photographer in north louisiana

Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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