Winters Extended Family | North Louisiana Photographer

Every year my family all gets together for a big family photo. Then we sub off into groups: grandkids, kids, families, etc. This past year was no different. We all met after church on my family’s land in North Louisiana. I brought my tripod and camera for the cool trick I do every year where I take our own photos. Ha! We get everyone all situated and then I snap the photo and run in. I only 10 seconds before the photos takes but surprisingly I make it every time. That’s the real reason I’m into working out. Haha!!!

Our family is continuing to grow and we just love it. We have a lot of girls but we wouldn’t trade them all for anything. Maybe one day someone will have a boy.. and when they do, he will be SPOILED!!! Until then, we have quite the tribe of girls. They are all best of friends and I just love that they are so close in age. Built in buddies.

Do you get your family together each year for a big group photo?? If so, let me know and we can work something out for an extended family session!!!

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family photographer in north louisiana
family photographer in north louisiana
family photographer in north louisiana
family photographer in north louisiana
family photographer in north louisiana
family photographer in north louisiana
family photographer in north louisiana

Published by courtneydexterphoto

Lifestyle family and newborn photographer in Ruston, Louisiana. My passion for photography began when I was about 16. Over the years I have perfected my skill and fallen in love with the art of family and newborn photography.

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