Amy and Sebastiaan Maternity Portraits | Minden Louisiana Photographer

Amy and Sebastiaan came all the way from Europe for these pictures. Ok, fine, that’s not true. They did come from all the way from Europe, but the photos in Louisiana were not orginally part of the plan. You see, Amy is my husband’s sister. Her and Sebastiaan came down for Thanksgiving and while theyContinue reading “Amy and Sebastiaan Maternity Portraits | Minden Louisiana Photographer”

North Louisiana Birthday Portaits- Allison

I literally can not believe my little sister is turning 11 tomorrow. Tell me it isn’t so! It seems like yesterday she was a tiny tot, holding our hands to walk. Now she’s riding horses and dancing in fields… Ok she proably only danced in the field during these pictures and that’s because I toldContinue reading “North Louisiana Birthday Portaits- Allison”

Miles Family | Benton Louisiana Family Photographer

There’s nothing like family pictures at a Christmas Tree Farm. And there’s no better farm that Hughes Christmas Tree Farm in Benton, Louisiana. I come here almost every year and it never gets old. So many trees and such good light. I love it! I have photographed the Miles family for several years now andContinue reading “Miles Family | Benton Louisiana Family Photographer”

Elaine and Emma | Minden, LA Birthday Portrait session

It’s finally Fall in North Louisiana and my two girls have birthdays just over a month apart. This year we were going to have their party together but plans changed because of covid. Like all other plans, right?! We had a party with just us one night after supper. I decorated the house and madeContinue reading “Elaine and Emma | Minden, LA Birthday Portrait session”