The Bradys | 601 Spring Venue | Shreveport Wedding Photographer

This stunning wedding at 601 Spring Venue in Shreveport Louisiana was such an incredible experience. This was my first time to be at this venue and I just loved it. The architecture was amazing! This was a wedding I had the amazing privilege to photograph with Misty Swilley, a wonderful wedding photographer in North andContinue reading “The Bradys | 601 Spring Venue | Shreveport Wedding Photographer”

A Remington Suite Wedding | Shreveport Louisiana Wedding Photographer

This gorgeous wedding in downtown shreveport at the Remington Suite Hotel was one for the books. I had the privilege to second shoot for the incredibly talented Misty Swilley Photography. These images are all from second shooting with her. I’ve been so blessed to become friends with her and come along with her to photographContinue reading “A Remington Suite Wedding | Shreveport Louisiana Wedding Photographer”

A White Oak Venue Wedding | Ruston Louisiana Wedding Photographer

This gorgeous wedding is another one I have been so very blessed to photograph with Misty Swilley Photography. She is such a gifted photographer and has the sweetest spirit. She is without a doubt my favorite photographer to second shoot for. This was my first time out at White Oak Venue in Ruston Louisiana andContinue reading “A White Oak Venue Wedding | Ruston Louisiana Wedding Photographer”

Mary and Larry | The Barn at Big Oak Hill Ranch Wedding

The wedding of Mary and Larry at The Barn at Big Oak Hill Ranch was one that I won’t easily forget. This wedding venue nestled in the country out in Magnolia Arkansas is a stunning one. Their day was centered around friends and family celebrating the love these two share. It was joy to beContinue reading “Mary and Larry | The Barn at Big Oak Hill Ranch Wedding”

Mark and Michelle | A Florida Wedding | Louisiana Wedding Photographer

Mark and Michelle had their wedding at a beautiful plantation home in Florida. It was a lovely day for a wedding. All of their friends and family gathered from different parts of the US to celebrate this momentous occasion. The sun was shining and the air was warm. Duh! Florida. But it was such aContinue reading “Mark and Michelle | A Florida Wedding | Louisiana Wedding Photographer”

The Bornaman Wedding | RiverPark Church | Shreveport, Louisiana Wedding Photographer

The Bornaman wedding was one of the sweetest wedding days that I have ever been able to capture. I had the pleasure of second shooting this Shreveport Louisiana wedding with the amazing Misty Swilley Photography. She has been so kind to let me tag along and be an assistant for her. She is truly aContinue reading “The Bornaman Wedding | RiverPark Church | Shreveport, Louisiana Wedding Photographer”